
保健桅顶- 2880 x1620







没有冗长的清单,没有复杂的图表——只有五件事需要努力去做. 找到LiveWell的平衡点.



1. Discover - Seek opportunities that excite, absorb, and fulfill you. 

参与日常生活或舒适区之外的经历可以扩展和多样化你的兴趣, 拓宽你的视野, and deepens feelings of joy and happiness. When you are fully immersed in something you enjoy and that challenges you, time slips away and you find yourself in a state of flow. 所以,拿起一本书,参加校园演讲,或者只是选择一些你习惯之外的活动. Immerse yourself in different and challenging experiences to LiveWell.

Discover these opportunities on campus:

  • Find a good read at Armacost 图书馆
  • Grow your own plant at the Campus Community Garden
  • Immerse yourself in Community Service Learning
  • 出国留学 
  • Take a class outside of your major that interests you


2. 运动——运动是良药.

人的身体注定要生活在运动中——走路、跑步、跳舞,以及介于两者之间的一切. 减少坐着的时间,增加活动的时间,可以预防和减轻身心健康疾病的症状, 提高精神集中和清晰度, 帮助管理压力. Some physical activity is better than none. 所以,出去走走,和朋友一起举重,种植花园,或者整夜跳舞. Prescribe yourself a daily dose of movement to LiveWell. 

Get movement from these campus programs and services:

  • Practice yoga at the meditation room 
  • 参加一项校内运动 
  • 参加俱乐部运动队的比赛 
  • 尝试户外活动 
  • 在健身中心锻炼 


3. 连接 - 连接ion to others brings us meaning and joy.

Relationships have a significant impact on our physical and mental health. Quality connections are associated with longevity, 降低健康风险, and better health habits throughout one’s life. 他们 能帮助我们少生病,少感到压力,给我们一种意义和目的感吗. 即使是一个简短的你好或 with a friend can give us positive benefits. So, set aside some time each day to talk on the phone, share a meal together, or ask the cashier how their day is going. Spend quality time with others to LiveWell.    

连接 with others through these campus resources:

  • Schedule a wellness coaching session to help you achieve your goals 
  • Learn more about opportunities provided by Student Involvement and Success 
  • 加入俱乐部或组织 


4. Calm - Shift out of stress-mode to care for your mind.

Stress and anxiety put your body into “fight or flight” mode. 我们的身体不应该长时间处于这种状态,这会对我们的身心健康产生负面影响. 寻找对你有效的减压方法可以提高你的注意力和表现, 情绪管理, 与疾病抗争, 帮助恢复. 有些方法可以找到 平静 包括写日记,祈祷,冥想,呼吸练习,或者出去散步. 每天回想你感激的事情可以增加积极的想法和前景, which provides a break from worry and stress. 所以,检查你自己,找到那些对你有用的技巧,这样你就能活得很好.


  • Practice meditation in the Meditation Room
  • 参观祷告小组
  • Enjoy the peaceful LaFourcade Community Garden
  • Walk the Labyrinth (located by the Memorial Chapel)


5. Replenish - Listen to your body and fuel it with what it needs.

Sleep, water, and food are the fuel your body needs for its daily functioning. 每天喝水, 睡8小时, 每餐都吃水果和蔬菜有助于修复身体和大脑,增强免疫系统, protection against life’s stressors, and increased focus and attention. 注意你身体的需求,把补充能量作为预防疾病和疲劳的首要任务. So, 选择水而不是苏打水, fill your plate with colorful vegetables and fruits, and make sure you are prioritizing your sleep. 让你的身体恢复活力.  


  • 收获表
  • 学生食品支持储藏室


Alcohol and Drug Educational 资源

威尼斯人平台的学生, 作为成年人, make individual choices regarding the use or non-use of alcohol and other drugs. 然而,大学社区每个成员的健康和安全是最重要的. 鉴于此, 威尼斯人平台致力于提供教育和资源,以帮助所有社区成员对酒精和其他药物做出负责任的决定. 这在学生入学之前就开始了(通过分配给新生的在线课程)。, and opportunities for ongoing education are provided regularly. 这些教育课程的目的不是告诉学生该做什么选择, but to help them make informed choices, 并帮助减少经常伴随酒精和其他药物使用的伤害. Below you will find a list of the various programs offered by our office, including how to get access to the programs.


这个互动环节是在秋季和春季学期的迎新周提供给所有新入学的学生的. 该课程旨在教育学生威尼斯人平台的社区标准,以及如何通过多样性来促进健康和尊重的生活和学习环境.



Everfi is an online platform that provides modules on topics such as alcohol use, 健康的关系, 性行为不端. 该课程将教育学生如何识别高风险情况和干预技术,以及如何预防与酒精和其他药物有关的紧急情况. 学生们还将学会识别不健康和虐待关系的迹象, 识别跟踪行为, learn how to best support a survivor, and learn more about local and campus resources for survivors of sexual violence.


Format: Online lecture and activities

这个演讲是社区标准和福利办公室的普通酒精教育项目. Attendees will learn the alcohol basics (i.e., standard drink size, body processing, BAL/BAC, etc.), 探索个人用途, be introduced to 自我监控能力, learn how to manage alcohol use for maximum benefit, and examine the relationship between alcohol and behaviors (i.e.、性、开车等等.).



BASICS stands for brief alcohol screening and intervention for college students. 这是一个针对个人量身定制的、一对一的、以减少伤害为重点的项目,旨在:

·         Help students explore your alcohol use in a non-judgmental setting

·         Reduce risky behavior and harmful consequences of alcohol abuse

·         Identify changes that could help students reduce their risk

·         Provide important information and skills for risk-reduction

BASICS项目是对大学生进行最有效的酒精教育干预措施之一. 药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局已经承认BASICS是一个基于证据的模式项目. 该项目包括完成对药物使用行为和目标的在线自我评估, and 1-2 individual meetings with a trained facilitator. 


Format: Online self-assessment and individual discussion

To sign up for this program, email student_affairs@fsbm3721.com 可用性.

这个演讲是社区标准和福利办公室的一般大麻教育项目. Attendees will learn the marijuana basics (i.e., cannabis effects, body processing, etc.), 探索个人用途, 自我监控能力, learn how to manage cannabis use for maximum benefit, and examine the relationship between alcohol and behaviors (i.e.、性、开车等等.).



CASICS marijuana is a brief screening and intervention for college students. 这是一个针对个人量身定制的、一对一的、以减少伤害为重点的项目,旨在:

·         Help students explore your marijuana use in a non-judgmental setting

·         Reduce risky behavior and harmful consequences of marijuana abuse

·         Identify changes that could help students reduce their risk

·         Provide important information and skills for risk-reduction

CASICS项目是对大学生最有效的教育干预措施之一. 药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局已经承认CASICS是一个以证据为基础的模式项目. 该项目包括完成对药物使用行为和目标的在线自我评估, and 1-2 individual meetings with a trained facilitator. 


Format: Online self-assessment and individual discussion

To sign up for this program, email student_affairs@fsbm3721.com 可用性.

As part of the University Party Policy, 所有想举办学生赞助的社交活动的组织都必须注册派对执照,并且该组织85%的活跃成员必须获得清醒主持人认证. To learn more about the University of 雷德兰兹 Party Policy, click 在这里.

This training prepares attendees to become Sober Host certified. The training educates on risk and liability, 事件管理, Sober Host expectations as outlined in the policy, 酒精消费和防止性骚扰/性侵犯的旁观者干预, 什么时候寻求帮助, and active party scenario role plays. 培训结束后会有一个小测验,分数达到80%或以上为通过.



你有关于酒精、毒品、聚会安全等方面的演讲或活动的想法吗.? 电子邮件 student_affairs@fsbm3721.com and give a description of your idea and topic areas, 你的组织, how many people you expect to attend, 以及日期和时间选项. 


这个小组提供了一个机会来处理物质对你个人和学术生活的影响. 获得心理教育和应对技能,以减少目前毒品和酒精的负面影响. 通过自我赋权,获得解决自我挫败的想法、情绪和行为的技能.

如有兴趣,请联系 马特Gragg座椅